19 June – 12 July, 2015 Opening: 19 June, 6-9 PM “Care” Hany Armanious, Hannah Black, Cameron Crawford,
Hamishi Farah & Aurelia Guo, Helen Johnson,
Sarah Mosca, Anne Schneider, Stuart Scott Smith
Curated by Dana Kopel & Marian Tubbs

Interstate Projects
66 Knickerbocker Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11237
United States


I care for those plants because I have watched them grow, I care for you most when you’re sleeping, it’s easier because I don’t have to feel self-conscious of you witnessing my caring.

Philosophically, care lies somewhere between ‘being’ and a cognitive ‘mode of thought,’ presenting itself in humans and animals both as bonds and as conditions. Perhaps there is a gap in philosophy that care does not (could never) fill.

‘Care for the self,’ starting with the Greeks, through Foucault, even through #selfcare, means to come to know oneself through care – a form of self-care that includes within it care for others and the world. Care happens in the bonds between people and things – does the robber care for the stolen, for the owners of those things? Whitehead states, “life is robbery,” that self-enjoyment derives from little trespasses and ethical slips. But then how do I care for myself without causing harm? I am trying to care for others, I am trying to care for myself too.

Is care robbery? I steal your time when you sleep. From the sensitive and material, to the absurd or repellant, this exhibition witnesses love and trespass, the abject sneeze (Armanious), the robber in your hot tub (Johnson), the suggestion the body may not be a collection of parts but an indefinite, unrepresentable haze (Black). The works build from the subject bonding to the object – with grace, they both care and rob.


“Care”, installation view, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, 19 June – 12 July, 2015

“Care”, installation view, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, 19 June – 12 July, 2015

“Care”, installation view, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, 19 June – 12 July, 2015

“Care”, installation view, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, 19 June – 12 July, 2015

“Care”, installation view, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, 19 June – 12 July, 2015

“Care”, installation view, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, 19 June – 12 July, 2015

Sarah Mosca, “Untitled”, 2015, pigment print, 72.1 × 95.89 cm

Sarah Mosca, “Untitled”, 2015, pigment print, 72.1 × 95.89 cm

Aurelia Guo & Hamishi Farah, “Me too”, 2015, laminated inkjet photo print on corkboard, 58.7 × 88.9 cm

Aurelia Guo & Hamishi Farah, “Me too”, 2015, laminated inkjet photo print on corkboard, 58.7 × 88.9 cm

Anne Schneider, “Rose Glasses”, 2015, acrylic on hessian and foil, 205 × 115 cm

Anne Schneider, “Rose Glasses”, 2015, acrylic on hessian and foil, 205 × 115 cm

Anne Schneider, “Rose Glasses” (detail), 2015, acrylic on hessian and foil, 205 × 115 cm

Anne Schneider, “Rose Glasses” (detail), 2015, acrylic on hessian and foil, 205 × 115 cm

Hannah Black, “The Neck”, 2014, HD video, 3 minutes 28 seconds

Hannah Black, “The Neck”, 2014, HD video, 3 minutes 28 seconds

Hany Armanious, “Sneeze Painting”, 2010, polyurethane resin with pigment, 60 × 63 × 5.6 cm, Courtesy of Foxy Productions, New York

Hany Armanious, “Sneeze Painting”, 2010, polyurethane resin with pigment, 60 × 63 × 5.6 cm, Courtesy of Foxy Productions, New York

Stuart Scott Smith, “My Mother’s Casket”, 2015, acrylic on wood, 14.3 × 17.8 cm

Stuart Scott Smith, “My Mother’s Casket”, 2015, acrylic on wood, 14.3 × 17.8 cm

Stuart Scott Smith, “And Her Flowers”, 2015, acrylic on wood, 12.1 × 16.5 cm

Stuart Scott Smith, “And Her Flowers”, 2015, acrylic on wood, 12.1 × 16.5 cm

Helen Johnson, “Robber in a Hot Tub”, 2014, synthetic polymer paint on linen, 45.7 × 70 cm, Courtesy of Château Shatto, Los Angeles

Helen Johnson, “Robber in a Hot Tub”, 2014, synthetic polymer paint on linen, 45.7 × 70 cm, Courtesy of Château Shatto, Los Angeles

Cameron Crawford, “Orphan Pool; rifle, eczema, with other woman jabber”, 2014, aluminium, high-friction tape, silk, window screen, paper mache, pine tar, 111.8 × 243.8 × 76.2 cm

Cameron Crawford, “Orphan Pool; rifle, eczema, with other woman jabber”, 2014, aluminium, high-friction tape, silk, window screen, paper mache, pine tar, 111.8 × 243.8 × 76.2 cm

Cameron Crawford, “Orphan Pool; rifle, eczema, with other woman jabber” (detail), 2014, aluminium, high-friction tape, silk, window screen, paper mache, pine tar, 111.8 × 243.8 × 76.2 cm

Cameron Crawford, “Orphan Pool; rifle, eczema, with other woman jabber” (detail), 2014, aluminium, high-friction tape, silk, window screen, paper mache, pine tar, 111.8 × 243.8 × 76.2 cm

“Care”, installation view, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, 19 June – 12 July, 2015

“Care”, installation view, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, 19 June – 12 July, 2015