“Every Day I Make My Way”, installation view, Minerva, Sydney, 29 April –11 June, 2016
“Every Day I Make My Way”, installation view, Minerva, Sydney, 29 April –11 June, 2016
Talia Chetrit, “Street Self-portrait #1”, 2015, digital C-print, 28 × 35.5 cm, edition of 4 + 2 AP
Talia Chetrit, “Street Self-portrait #1”, 2015, digital C-print, 28 × 35.5 cm, edition of 4 + 2 AP
Talia Chetrit, “Parents”, 2014, HD video, color, sound, 9 minutes 44 seconds, Courtesy of the artist and Kaufmann Repetto, Milan/New York
“Every Day I Make My Way”, installation view, Minerva, Sydney, 29 April –11 June, 2016
Kate Newby, “Do more with your feeling”, 2016, glass and porcelain stone (embedded into glass), installation dimensions variable (3 elements: approx. 50 ×100 × 100 ; 10 × 228 × 127; 10 0× 152 × 100 mm)
Kate Newby, “Do more with your feeling” (detail), 2016, glass and porcelain stone (embedded into glass), installation dimensions variable (3 elements: approx. 50 ×100 × 100 ; 10 × 228 × 127; 10 0× 152 × 100 mm)
“Every Day I Make My Way”, installation view, Minerva, Sydney, 29 April –11 June, 2016
Kate Newby, “Dreamy/Explorer/Laura” , 2015, glass, overall dimensions variable (3 elements: 38 × 152 × 76; 76 × 76 × 76; 63 × 88 × 88 mm)
Barbara Kasten, “Transposition 14”, 2014, Fujiflex Digital Print, 152.4 x 121.9cm, Unique + 1 AP, Courtesy the artist and Bortolami Gallery, New York
Barbara Kasten, “Transposition 14”, 2014, Fujiflex Digital Print, 152.4 x 121.9cm, Unique + 1 AP, Courtesy the artist and Bortolami Gallery, New York
“Every Day I Make My Way”, installation view, Minerva, Sydney, 29 April –11 June, 2016
Moyra Davey, “E-e-e-l”, 2014-2016, 4 C-prints with tape, postage, ink, 12 × 18 inches each, Courtesy of the artist and Murray Guy, New York
Moyra Davey, “E-e-e-l” (detail), 2014-2016, 4 C-prints with tape, postage, ink, 12 × 18 inches each, Courtesy of the artist and Murray Guy, New York
Moyra Davey, “E-e-e-l” (detail), 2014-2016, 4 C-prints with tape, postage, ink, 12 × 18 inches each, Courtesy of the artist and Murray Guy, New York
Works are available to purchase with interest free loans from Art Money.